It is an innovation company/institution that combines Data Science, Human Sciences, Exact Sciences, STEAM, Education 5.0, CGI, Digital Marketing, Arts and Generative Design, Speculative Movements to create innovative and transformative solutions. Through courses, workshops, workshops, lectures, holding events in immersive reality on web 3.0, creation in CGI, digital games, avatars, creation of ultra-realistic and immersive visuals and future speculations, storytelling, production of technology and innovation events, consultancy of diversity and inclusion, data cybersecurity consultancy and curated in design, art, technology and innovation.
Being a unique combination of art, technology, science, engineering, applied mathematics and innovation, which is located within speculative future movements. Its objective is to catalyze the future of the 5.0 market, professions and education through speculation, both in fiction and reality, to contemplate and encourage in the corporate and institutional environment the production and presence of women, black people, indigenous people, people LGBTQIAPN+ and PWDs in transtemporal periods of past, present and future in order to also equate emancipation practices in diversity and inclusion.

Metodologia de criação e aplicação - Afrofuturismo Arte e STEM

We apply education 5.0 as a way to expand access to education, digital instrumentation and increase representation and emancipation in the areas of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and arts. Generative design and artificial intelligence are important for the development and creation of even more realistic and dynamic future speculations. Through collaborative interaction between humans and machines, digital technology is used to analyze data and create personalized solutions.
We create and apply methodologies that facilitate the application of the Sustainable Dissolution Objectives in the daily lives of public institutions and private companies. Generative design and artificial intelligence are also important for the development and creation of speculations of even more realistic and dynamic futures and connected to professional instrumentation in industry 5.0, with the aim of promoting a culture of continuous learning and growth. "We believe that education and technology are powerful tools to shape the future and through future speculation it is possible to create a better world."

zaika dos santos
Multi-artist data scientist, curator, designer, prompt engineer, fiction writer, researcher, scientific disseminator of Speculative Movements such as Afrofuturism, Africanfuturism and Afropresentism, cryptoartist and NFT and WEb 3.0 researcher. CEO of the company Afrofuturismo Arte e STEM, an innovative company that combines Generative Design, CGI, Data Science, Human Sciences, Exact Sciences, STEAM and Education 5.0 to create innovative and transformative solutions. She is a director, producer and editor of speculative fiction. She is the general coordinator of the Black Speculative Arts Movement Brazil.
Her background is as a technologist in Audiovisual, Radio and TV, and Web Design. Graduated in Fine Arts at Guignard – State University of Minas Gerais, with qualifications in screen printing and photography, specialist in Data Science at Digital House and postgraduate student in Artificial Intelligence.
He was a black Brazilian leader for Fundo Alas - Fundação Tide Setubal, Porticus and Ibirapitanga. She is a scientist affiliated with 500 Women Scientists, curator of the II Bienal Black Brasil Art, the exhibition 'Women in Science: Olhares Sobre o Futuro' - Aliança Francesa, the 'Immersive Afro-Remix Exhibition' - BSAM Brasil and other artists in national exhibitions and international. He also works with Graphic Design, Strategic Design, Storytelling, and has training in future scenarios through 'Afrofuturism 2.0 and Global Security Foresight' using the Horizon Scanning methodology, with the N Square Institution. In 2022, he presented the path in Art, Science and Technology of Brazilian Afrofuturism at Harvard, at the Second Conference on Afro-Latin American Studies.
Fundadora e ceo